
No Âmbito da Estratégia de Conteúdo Local do Projecto Mozambique LNG: CapacitaMoz Bootcamp Fomenta a Inovação e Reforça Competências Empreendedoras de Jovens Moçambicanos

As part of its Local Content Strategy, the Mozambique LNG project, operated by TotalEnergies EP Mozambique Area 1 Limitada, recently organized the first edition of CapacitaMoz Bootcamp in Pemba, an initiative that has proved to be an enriching experience in innovation and entrepreneurship for the young participants.

The event consisted of a dynamic learning and training platform for the 28 young participants. In the end of the five days of work, the most innovative ideas and/or those with the greatest potential to create positive impacts on the market received an award.

“I feel ready for a different dimension of leadership in my company, and CapacitaMoz Bootcamp was an uplift for me to boost my company’s revenue”, said Félix Sumunitato, who won first place in CapacitaMoz Bootcamp with innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture. Both the inspiration and the effort he dedicated to the agribusiness sector impressed the jury who guaranteed him half a million meticais and also the participation in the national “Get in The Ring” contest, a global competition present in more than 100 countries. Sumunitato highlighted that participating in the CapacitaMoz Bootcamp, which he classified as “fabulous and challenging”, is, in itself, very rewarding for anyone who wants to progress in the business world: “Now, I will engage with more intensity and strength in the world of entrepreneurship”, he said.

Second place went to Valódia Pires, whose technology company, Fine Dining, is developing an application for restaurant reservations and home deliveries. The innovation earned the young entrepreneur 350 thousand meticais and she also secured a training session in productivity tools offered to the top three classifieds.

The idea associated with CES – Center for Sustainable Education, which offers courses focused on crucial skills to enter and remain in the job market, awarded the third place to another woman, Birgite John. For the young entrepreneur who earned 150 thousand meticais, participating in CapacitaMoz Bootcamp was an “incredible and innovative experience, and allowed me to learn a little more about my company. It was also a space where I could form partnerships, create synergies, meet other businesses and, in this way, also boost my own”.

Leonardo Nhavoto, Local Content Manager at TotalEnergies EP Mozambique Area 1 Limitada, said. “We are particularly pleased with the energy, dedication and creativity demonstrated by the young participating entrepreneurs, who were essential to the success of CapacitaMoz Bootcamp. We believe that the exposure of young entrepreneurs to innovative ideas, their contact with investors and other entrepreneurs, and the skills acquired in workshops, specialized mentoring and empirical sharing of information will be an added value for their businesses.”

Nhavoto also mentioned that CapacitaMoz Bootcamp is another initiative that gives concrete expression to one of the fundamental aspects of the Local Content Strategy of the Mozambique LNG project: “Training and increasing the skills and abilities of young Mozambicans is, for us, a priority. Its entrepreneurial dynamics, creativity, capacity for innovation, and rigorous management can contribute to the sustainable development of Mozambique. With initiatives like CapacitaMoz Bootcamp, we want to contribute to this goal and inspire the next generation of business leaders in the country.”

After Pemba, Maputo will host the next edition of CapacitaMoz Bootcamp from November 27th to December 1st, an initiative implemented by the Mozambique LNG project aimed at young Mozambican entrepreneurs, or representatives of start-ups, whose businesses have been operating for more than six months and less than three years and who also have a well-defined idea or business concept with an innovative and creative nature.

Sobre o projecto Mozambique LNG

O projecto Mozambique LNG é o primeiro desenvolvimento em terra de uma fábrica de gás natural liquefeito (GNL) no país. O projecto inclui o desenvolvimento dos campos Golfinho e Atum, localizados na Área 1 Offshore, e a construção de uma fábrica com duas unidades de liquefação com capacidade de 13,12 milhões de toneladas por ano (MTPA). A Área 1 contém aproximadamente até 65 Tcf de recursos de gás, dos quais 18 Tcf serão desenvolvidos com as duas primeiras unidades de liquefação.

A TotalEnergies EP Mozambique Area 1 Limitada, subsidiária detida a 100% pela TotalEnergies SE, opera o projecto Mozambique LNG com uma participação de 26,5%, juntamente com a Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area1 Limited (20%), a ENH Rovuma Área 1, S.A. (15%), ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited (10%), Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited (10%), BPRL Ventures Mozambique B.V. (10%), e PTTEP Mozambique Area 1 Limited (8.5%).

Sobre a TotalEnergies

A TotalEnergies é uma empresa multi-energias mundial de produção e comercialização de energias: petróleo e biocombustíveis, gás natural e gases verdes, energias renováveis e electricidade. Os seus mais de 100.000 colaboradores estão comprometidos com uma energia cada vez mais económica, mais limpa, mais fiável e acessível ao maior número de pessoas possível. Presente em mais de 130 países, a TotalEnergies coloca o desenvolvimento sustentável em todas as suas dimensões no centro dos seus projectos e operações para contribuir com o bem-estar das pessoas.


Relações com a Imprensa:

Hélder Ossemane – +258 82 323 4200, helder.ossemane@external.totalenergies.com

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